How To Overcome Opposition

Watch the Message

1. In this week’s message, Pastor John mentioned that following Jesus isn't always easy and can come with challenges. Can you share a personal experience where you faced difficulties in your faith journey? How did you handle it?

2. Read Acts 13:4-8. The passage describes Paul and Barnabas proclaiming the word of God in Cyprus. How does this passage illustrate the idea of taking steps of faith and facing opposition in ministry? Have you ever had an opportunity to share your faith with someone that was met with resistance?

3. Bar-Jesus, a false prophet, opposed Paul and Barnabas in their mission. Right when Sergius Paulus is presented with the good news of Jesus, he is being led astray by this man. What are some common forms of opposition or resistance that people face when God leads them to take a step of faith? How can we respond to such opposition/resistance?

4. Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, confronts Bar-Jesus and exposes his deceit. How important is discernment in the Christian walk? Share situations where discernment played a significant role in your walk with Christ.

5. Discuss the role of the Holy Spirit in providing clarity and discernment. How can we rely on the Holy Spirit and the Word of God to gain discernment in our lives?

6. Read Acts 13:11-12. The passage describes how Bar-Jesus is temporarily blinded, and the proconsul believes when he witnesses this miracle. What do you think this event symbolizes, and how does it relate to the power of God's Word and Spirit in overcoming any opposition?

7. In 2 Timothy 3:10-17, Paul encourages Timothy to continue in what he has learned from the scriptures. How important is consistent engagement with the Bible in our lives? How do you practically incorporate Scripture into your daily routine?

9. Paul emphasizes that all Scripture is "breathed out by God" and is profitable for various aspects of our spiritual growth. How have you personally experienced the Bible's impact on teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness?

10. Pastor John encouraged us to move forward in faith by relying on the Spirit and the Word. How can we practically apply this in our lives? Share some specific ways you can incorporate the Word of God and dependence on the Holy Spirit into your daily walk with Christ.

11. What specific step of faith is God calling you to take right now? How can you overcome any opposition or resistance you might face in taking that step?