But Whatever...I Press On

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But whatever…I press on

Philippians 3:2-14

The Christian life is not about trying to arrive at a place where God loves us. It’s about trying to live out of the love that He has already demonstrated. The grace that you need to change is already yours. The grace that you need to go forward is already yours. The grace that you need to rise up is already yours. The grace that you need to do it in the face of adversity and uncertainty is already yours. It’s yours in Christ. This is why Paul says, “But whatever” and, “But I press on!” This week, we will discuss how “But whatever” removes the obstacles; “But I press on” sets your course. You let go to lay hold. You abandon to attain. You forsake to follow.

1. What point stood out to you in this week’s message?

2. The quickest way to lose out on the Christian faith is to focus on yourself. How does our society push us to have confidence in ourselves? How does this differ from what Paul is teaching here?

3. Whatever your confidence is in, that’s where the enemy will attack. So if your confidence is in you, where will the enemy attack?

4. Read Philippians 3:7-9. What is Paul saying about all of his earthly accomplishments? What is Paul proclaiming his faith to be in? How do we become righteous?

5. To "gain Christ" isn't some religious phrase. It's turning your life upside down. It's a blazing passion to get closer to God. It's knowing Jesus so deeply that everything else fades away. Is there something you are still holding on to to try to earn favor with God? How would you advise a friend to release it?

6. "But whatever" is not an attitude of apathy or indifference; it's an active realignment of where you place your confidence. It's an attitude of faith. How can saying “But whatever” disarm the Devil when he comes to condemn you for past actions?

7. Pastor James said, ‘When you place your confidence in what Jesus has done, whatever you’ve done loses its hold on you.’ How have you seen this play out in your life?

8. Read Philippians 3:12. What did Christ take hold of? Salvation? Yes. Healing? Yes. Deliverance? Yes. It's an all-inclusive package. Christ already took hold of your freedom, your purpose, your joy—EVERYTHING! Don't miss this! The CROSS was a transaction point. On the cross, when Jesus said, "It is finished," He stamped ‘PAID IN FULL’ on everything you need to walk in your God-given destiny. How does this thought give you hope for your Christian life?

9. Read Philippians 3:13-14. What is Paul saying in these two verses? What was Paul’s motivation for serving God?

10. “But whatever” says, "I'm not held back by my past or by the weight of my mistakes." But I press on” says, "And now, I’m going to run into the destiny God has for me!" They operate together to produce a life free from condemnation and rich in pursuit of divine purpose. Why must these come together? What happens if we try to live with just one of the two proclamations?