Summer at Journey Church - Part 3

Watch the Message

Summer at Journey Church

Jadner Lugo - Orange City

1. What stood out to you in Jadner’s message this week?

2. Have you ever encountered a situation where you believed your way of doing things was better than what others suggested? How did you handle it, and what was the outcome?

3. Pastor Jadner discussed the significance of seeing failure as an opportunity for personal development. How can you reframe your view of failure to embrace it as a chance for growth?

4. Read Jonah 1:3-9. The sailors in the story feared God even before Jonah did. What does this reveal about God's compassion and availability to people who may seem far from Him in today's context?

5. Who called out to God first? Do you find anything interesting about that?

6. Read Jonah 2:1-10. Jonah's prayer while inside the fish reflects his desperation and realization of God's mercy. Who was Jonah asking for mercy for? What promise did Jonah commit to?

7. In the story of Jonah, God's mercy extended even to the Ninevites, who were considered enemies. How can we learn from this example and demonstrate compassion for those we may find difficult to love or understand?

8. Read Jonah 4:5-11. What’s your plant? What’s the thing of God that grieves your heart more than the lost people of God?

Summer at Journey Church

Tim Bulleman - Deltona

1. Read Luke 15:1-32. What is the context of the parables?

2. Who is the audience, and why is Jesus sharing these parables with them? 

3. In the parable of the lost sheep, why does the shepherd leave the ninety-nine sheep to search for the one lost sheep? What does this reveal about God's character and His love for His children? 

4. How does the parable of the prodigal son portray the grace and forgiveness of God? What lessons can we learn from the father's response to his wayward son's return? 

5. In the parable of the lost coin, why does the woman diligently search for the lost coin? What does this parable teach us about God's pursuit of those who are lost? How can you begin to be diligent toward reaching the lost around you? 

6. In the parable of the prodigal son, what does the older brother's reaction reveal about his understanding of his father's love and grace? How can we guard against similar attitudes in our own lives and respond with God's love and compassion towards others?  

7. What is the primary message of these three parables? How can we use this truth to encourage others or strengthen our own faith in times of uncertainty?