You Are Not Alone – Part 1

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Many of us have experienced that the darkness of depression is real even when you’re living in the light of God’s grace This week Pastor James is starting a new sermon series called “You are Not alone.” Through this series, we will learn to manage stress, anxiety, depression, trauma, and toxic thinking.

Would you rather be alone on a deserted island for a week or trapped in an elevator with 10 other people for 1 day?

Read 1 Kings 19:1–4a. Elijah had just accomplished something amazing in the name of God. The next thing he knows, Jezebel is issuing a threat against his life. What did Elijah do after he heard the threat? What do you think Elijah was feeling at the time? What is it that really made Elijah afraid?

What is the danger of withdrawing from other people when things get tough in your life?

Read 1 Kings 19:4b Pastor James said that one of the dangers in life is that “You become hopeless about your future.” Can you share a time when you felt hopeless about your future? How did God get you through it?

Pastor James said the difference is in how we process our feelings. If you had the chance to speak to Elijah at this time, what would you have said to him?

Read 1 Kings 19:5-10. The feeling of helplessness is real. We feel like we are the only ones going through what we are going through. Pastor James said, “we can’t let our feeling control our lives.” Even when he was running from God, God was running toward him. What is the danger of allowing our feelings to control our lives?

Read 1 Kings 19:11-14. God showed up in a whisper. Can you share a time when you looked for God to show up in the miraculous, and He showed up in a gentle whisper instead?

Notice how Elijah repeated verse 10 in verse 14. Elijah was stuck in a story. He was stuck in the cave because he kept repeating the same story. Notice how God is not included in Elijah’s story. If you have God in your life but allow others into your mind, you will stay stuck. What had God done in his life (in the past few verses)? What has God done in your life that you are not focusing on?

Read 1 Kings 19:15–18. God shows Elijah that He is in control, and that He already has it all worked out. God already has a plan for anything that you are going through. What will it take for you to trust God to bring you through all that you are going through? Ask your group to pray that you will trust that God is with you and has a plan for your life.