The Power to Change – Part 8

Watch the Message

1. Can you think of a time when you received an unexpected or even extravagant gift? Did you find it hard to receive it? Why or why not?

2. Read Romans 12:1. According to this verse, what is the appropriate response to the extravagant gift of God’s mercy and grace to us?

3. As a group, try to name as many examples of God’s grace as you can in 2 minutes. When you think of all these ways that God has shown you love, how does it affect your gratitude level toward Him?

4. How would you explain a “Living Sacrifice?”  

5. Read Romans 12:2. Why do you think it is so natural to fall into the patterns of the world around you? Why do you think God tells us to start with our mind when it comes to transformation? How do your thought patterns affect your life?

6. What are some of the areas of life that are hardest to surrender to God? In what way is it a sacrifice to surrender those areas to Him?

7. What are some examples of ways Christians have been different from the world in strand ways or even the wrong ways?

8. Read Romans 12:3-21. According to this passage, what are some of the ways Christians are called to be different?

9. What is one area of your life you are struggling to surrender to God? What is an action step you can take this week to worship God by surrendering that area to Him?