The Power to Change – Part 7

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We come now to Romans chapters 9-11. Here we see a glimpse into Paul’s heart, his passion for sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. We are called to be people who rise up to the challenges around us in order to show the love of God to the communities in which we live. This week we will talk about where we find the confidence and boldness to share our faith.

1. Can you recall your favorite restaurant meal? How many people did you tell about it? Why did you tell them about it?

2. Read Romans 9:1-3. Why do you suppose Paul was filled with so much anguish?

3. Who are the people in your life whom you wish could hear the Good News of the Gospel?

4. We share our experiences with people all the time; we talk about great movies, engaging TV shows, sporting events highlights, we talk about cool things that we’ve done, and share pictures of places we have gone to. Why do we find it so hard to share what God has done in our lives?

How can we live our lives so that we connect with people and help them take steps to follow Jesus? Pastor James talked about four steps that we can take that will help us connect and share the Gospel with those around us.

Pray for God to move.

     Read Romans 10:1. What is Paul asking God to do?

     What difference does prayer make?

Expect that God will work through you.

     The way that God designed his message to get out and for lives to be transformed is through us who have believed. Read Romans 10:9-13. According to these verses, how is a person saved?

     Read Romans 10:14-15.‬‬‬‬‬‬ It’s never about your ability; it’s about your availability. When you make yourself available to God, he will send you out. Can you share about a time when you shared the gospel? How did God ultimately make that happen?

Share your Faith story.

     God has called us to share our story of what Jesus Christ has done to change our lives. Read Romans 10:17. It’s not about winning an argument, knowing all the answers, and having your life perfect; it’s about sharing what Christ has done in your life. What is so powerful about each one of our stories?

     There is a saying, "Share your story to change a story." How has your story changed because you heard someone else's story about what Jesus means to them?

Invite them to take a step of faith with you.

     There are people in your sphere of influence that need the hope of Jesus Christ. They need the freedom and salvation that comes through trusting in the gospel, the goodness of Jesus. God strategically placed you in that sphere of influence to make a difference. He wants you to invite them to join you in following Jesus. One of the values of Journey Church is: There is power in every invite. Who do you need to invite to take steps with you? What’s at stake if you choose not to invite them?