The Power to Change – Part 1

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1. Every one of us, one time or another, has looked over our life and our situation and felt like something needs to change. We find ourselves wondering if we will ever change. This week we are going to see where real change begins.

2. Have you ever tried to turn on a light switch when the power was out? What happened? Why did that happen?

3. Read Romans 1:16-17. In this passage, Paul mentions the power of God. According to Paul, what is the power of God?

4. The power of God has the ability to totally transform lives. How have you seen the power of God transform your life, or how have you seen the power of God transform the life of someone around you?

5. Paul is very clear in saying that the gospel message is literally the power of God in verbal, cognitive form. It lifts people up; it transforms and changes things. According to Romans 1:17, how do people connect to that power?

6. Can Salvation be obtained any other way other than by faith?

7. Read Romans 1:7. Notice how “loved by God” comes before “called.” This is no coincidence; what significance is there that one comes before the other?

8. Pastor James said, “The good news is that the righteousness which God demands from us, He gives to us through what Christ did for us on the cross.” What does this say to people who think that they have to somehow perform to earn righteousness? Can you think of a verse in Ephesians that supports this thought?

9. When you seek the presence of God, you will experience the power of God. When Paul is writing, it’s not just a one-time “you better believe.” The tense of the verb “believe” here is crucial; it signifies ongoing action (continuing to believe), not just the first act of faith when you were converted. Why do people often find it easier to work for God’s blessings over resting in His presence?

10. Read Romans 1:11-12 “I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong— that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.” What is Paul saying will make us stronger in our faith? How have you seen your group mutually encourage each other?

11. Who do you know that you can encourage to get plugged into a group? GroupLink registration will remain open until August 28, 2022.