Bad Vibes • Part 6

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Over the past few weeks, we’ve been talking about bad vibes, how to spot them, how to deal with them and how to make peace with those around us. There is one more type of bad vibe, we have an internal conflict going on within our minds and hearts. Our minds are a battlefield between truth and lies and if we’re honest the lies would feel like they’re winning. The tricky thing is, the lies don’t come to you as lies, instead they are disguised as truth.

Can you remember something that was said to you as a child that hurt you and it still affects you today?

Read Mark 12:30-31. It’s hard to love your neighbor as yourself if you don’t love or even like yourself from the start. Why would we assume we would need to love ourselves before we could love our neighbors?

Read 2 Corinthians 10:3-6. Strongholds are a fortified area that provides protection, but in this case, it is a prison with thick walls and its only intention is to keep you confined to the lies the enemy puts in your mind. What do these verses say about how believers can fight our battles?

Some of the attacks we face look like; I’m so stupid. I’m not loved. I can’t do anything right. I’m unlikeable. Why is it so important destroy these strongholds? What is the consequence of allowing these to remain?

What are some of the negative self-thoughts that often frequent your mind?

We’ve learned throughout this series; our words have power. It’s the words to ourselves that sting to our core. We can remove ourselves from the presence of people and the words that they say. But we can never remove ourselves from ourselves.

So, how do we train our mind in obedience?

• Fortify your mind

Romans 12:2 What does this verse tell us about fortifying your mind?

• Feed your mind

Philippians 4:8-9. Share what some of these things are in your life?

• Fixate your thoughts

Colossians 3:1. Why is fixating our minds on things above better than fixating our minds on things of the earth?