I Will Follow Jesus!

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We all follow something or someone. It may be a person's teachings, a family legacy, or a spiritual philosophy. Our devotion lies somewhere; we just have to admit where that is. Over and over again in Scripture Jesus calls people to follow Him. He calls prostitutes and tax collectors, wicked, unclean, irreligious people to follow Him. He calls religious people who thought they had their act together to drop their pose and follow Him. He calls us all to follow Him over and over and over. It's one of the most frequent commands in Scripture. This week we are going to talk about what it means to follow Jesus. 

  1. "Follow Me." It's a powerful image to think about following Jesus. In your own words, what does it mean for you to follow Jesus? How is that different from following someone on social media?
  2. Pastor James said that “The first step to following Jesus is believing that he is who he says he is by declaring Jesus is Lord.” What does this mean to you?
  3. Off the top of your head, what are some other statements that the Bible makes about Jesus?
  4. Read John 14:6. “Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."” What stands out to you about this verse?
  5. Pastor James shared some other scriptures about Jesus (Romans 3:10–20 and John 11:25). Read Ephesians 1:7, According to this verse, what are we trusting Jesus to do?
  6. Read Romans 3:22. According to this verse, who receives the righteousness of Christ? How do we receive the righteousness of Christ?
  7. Another aspect to follow Jesus means you have to stop following you. You have to begin to turn from your old way of living in order to start living to follow the one who gave his life for you. Coming to the end of you is what allows you to come alive in Him. It means Surrender. What does it mean for you to say, “Jesus, I give you my life.”?
  8. Read Romans 8:2. What does this verse mean to you?
  9. Read Romans 6:4. Pursuing him is where you find freedom and life. Life with God. He wants you. It’s you he called, and it’s you he chose. Share your baptism story with your group. How has your life changed as a result of following Jesus? If you have not yet been baptized, what is keeping you from doing so?